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Adam Schopp | Croix Valley Pit Crew | Wisconsin Adam Schopp | Croix Valley Pit Crew | Wisconsin

Adam Schopp | Croix Valley Pit Crew | Wisconsin

adam schopp croix valley pit crew

Adam Schopp | Croix Valley Pit Crew | Wisconsin

Adam Schopp has always had a passion for cooking since a very young age. In 2014 he attended his first KCBS BBQ competition and fell in love with the sport. His team, Plastered Pork, was sanctioned as a KCBS team a few short years later. As the head cook, the team went on to win awards, host cooking classes and travel the US learning new tips and tricks. The cooking at home got better too. 

Adam is also a cook and certified judge for SCA (Steak Cookoff Association) which he has won awards. Adam has a natural ability to innovate daily food recipes and take them to the next level incorporating flavors and textures. He is very excited to share his passion for food and his favorite products and recipes as a part of the Croix Valley Pit Crew!

Instagram | plasteredporkbbq Facebook | Adam Schopp

Adam schopp croix valley pit crew

Adam schopp croix valley pit crew

Adam schopp croix valley pit crew

Adam schopp croix valley pit crew

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