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Precio habitual $ 138.00


Ingredientes: Concentrado de tomate natural (tomates, azúcar, vinagre, especias, cebolla), azúcar, vinagre, melaza, pasta de tomate, sal, ajo seco, especias, aroma natural, anchoas.

Hola, entusiastas de la barbacoa, ¿están cansados ​​de su mediocre juego de barbacoa en el patio trasero? ¿Quiere llevar su carne del ahumador a la caja de entrega como un profesional sin ningún problema? ¡No busque más allá de la salsa de barbacoa privada de Croix Valley!

Esta salsa no es una salsa común y corriente, es una receta secreta de la familia Croix Valley que se ha utilizado tras bambalinas en barbacoas competitivas durante años. Y déjame decirte que es el "trapeador integral" perfecto para todos los competidores de barbacoa. No hay necesidad de ningún tipo de manipulación, simplemente sumérgelo o cepíllalo y observa cómo se desarrollan los sabores ganadores.

Esta salsa no solo es un éxito en el circuito competitivo, también ha demostrado ser un campeón en las barbacoas en el patio trasero. Con su reputación ganadora, serás la comidilla de la ciudad con cada bocado.

Pero no confíe solo en nuestra palabra, esta salsa ha ganado numerosos premios, incluido el de Mejor Salsa en el Great Midwest Ribfest y el Campeón Nacional del Sabor del Pueblo en los Campeonatos de Salsa de la Sociedad BBQ de Illinois. ¿Entonces, Qué esperas? ¡Consiga sus manos en la salsa de barbacoa privada de Croix Valley y prepárese para ganar a lo grande en su patio trasero!

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 20 reviews
    Amazing sauce!!!

    This sauce is on point! It has a good taste of molasses and pairs well with Chicken and Pork. It’s a thin sauce, so it’s great for comps! Try it out for yourself.

    Stan Fleming
    Private Stock is the best!

    I was introduced to the Croix Valley Private Stock a few years ago. I always have this as well as other products on hand all year! The very best products always!

    Greg Doty
    Greg D

    Can't be beat. Several brands tried with 5-stars on all!

    Gwen S.
    Our Favorite!

    This barbecue sauce has quickly become our favorite. I order 6 bottles at a time so we never run out. Now my daughter has purchased a home and is out on her own…suspiciously bottles disappear out of my pantry! Give it a try; you won’t be disappointed!

    Sounds like your daughter knows what's up! Thanks for the kind words. Private Stock happens to be Damon's personal favorite!

    Stephanie Bennett
    Private Stock Perfection!

    We all love the Private Stock Barbecue Sauce. No fillers. All love.

    The only complaint is from my son. He says his mom eats all his dino nuggets because of this sauce. In my defense, dino nuggets are quick and easy carriers for this sauce if you're a busy mom on the run.

    If you're looking to seriously class up your dino nugget game, this 'all-star' Private Stock barbecue sauce will bring home the trophy.

    We've seen Croix Valley flavor do this to a family before Stephanie, especially with Private Stock. The only advice we have for your son is that he probably needs a mini fridge in his room full of Private Stock. He might need a paper route to make this happen, but where there's a will, there's a way. Thanks for the fun review, and the continued support of Croix Valley! Cheers!