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Croix Valley Pit Crew


Hello and welcome to the Croix Valley Pit Crew!  In 2023, we're embarking on many new initiatives, including streamlining how we partner with our engaged community of fans and influencers.  You've certainly shown enthusiasm for our brand, and we want to partner with you to benefit us both when you're cooking with Croix Valley products.

Moving forward, we're looking to have two groups of individuals/teams with different skills, abilities, and expectations that will help to build our brand in their own little way while having fun and receiving recognition for doing so.  While we consider everyone a part of Team Croix Valley, our two groups will consist of the following, with certain individuals choosing to participate in both segments simultaneously if they choose to. 

Croix Valley Pit Crew: This is more of a traditional influencer role. These people love to fire up the grill (or stove), experiment with new flavors, and share their creations on social media. 

Croix Valley Pro Team: These are food sport competitors that compete in SCA, KBCS, and other regulated food sport competitions. 

This document focuses on the Croix Valley Pit Crew. If you also compete in sanctioned food sport events and would like to join the Croix Valley Pro Team, please get in touch with Damon Holter at You can find more information here. 


What Croix Valley provides to Pit Crew members:

  • We will send you any two products you want each month.
  • We will share your creations (with our product) on all of our social channels, tag you and give you recognition for your great dishes.
  • We will create a personal profile section for you on our website that highlights you and your cooking, your brand (if you have one) and link to your social accounts.
  • We will send you T-shirts and other merch.
  • We will pay you for any meals you want to write up as a recipe post on our website (more on this later).
  • We will pay you CASH BACK on the unique Affiliate Coupon Code we’ll provide (United States Members only).
  • We will pay you CASH BACK for helping to secure new retail partners to stock Croix Valley products.

What Croix Valley needs from you:

  • At least a couple pics, videos or reels of amazing-looking meals per month that you’ll share on your social media accounts (usually Instagram and/or Facebook). The product you used needs to be in the shot (fine if it’s in the background). Tag us and use the hashtag #croixvalleynation.  Other hashtags we love to see would be #croixvalleypitcrew, #teamcroixvalley, #poweredbyflavor, and anything you feel is groovy.  We search the #croixvalleynation to see what’s happening around the socials, so please make sure that’s in the mix!  

That’s it. The picture has to be good. You know the deal with food pics. The picture is everything. Some months we have specific “challenges” that you can all do, and other months it’s anything goes. 

Also, we'll never ask you for exclusivity with our products.  If you use others, or help rep other companies' products, that's cool with us!  Additionally, if you want to post more often, throw out some stories, make some TikToks, share other team mate's posts, well, then you're just really cool with us!

About the recipe thing: This is optional, but if you want to take the time to sit down and write up a recipe post, we’ll give you $25. We know it’s not a lot, but it’s something. We have a few Pit Crew members that take advantage of this regularly. If you like writing and enjoy seeing your meals live somewhere permanently online, this is for you. The format is easy but specific. We’ll send you a link that details how to format your recipe. 

But wait…there’s more…

Cashback on your customized affiliate code. Each Croix Valley Pit Crew member gets a custom coupon code for 15% off at our website to share with their fans. You get 10% of all sales generated. We’ll Paypal or Venmo you $100 when the coupon code reaches $1000 in sales. How cool is that?  Your friends get a discount on Croix Valley stuff, and you get cold, hard cash back in your pocket!  This program applies to our U.S.-based team members only, as we are not currently shipping orders direct from our website to international customer.

Our Retail Store Affiliate Program also allows you to make money if you help us get on the shelves at a new retail store. If you mention Croix Valley to a place you like to shop and they bring our products in, you’ll get a cash back payment for $50 or 10% of the sale of their initial order, whichever is larger. We can send you a .pdf document that can even drop off to the store to introduce them to the brand.

Note for Canadian Team Members: Product, swag and other items that may be sent to you will be coming directly from Croix Valley in the United States.  When helping to promote Croix Valley products, we encourage you to mention to others that our products can be ordered online in Canada through

Note for European Team Members: Product, swag and other items that may be sent to you will be facilitated directly from EMC BBQ.